Michael Migyanko Memorial Donations
God With Us: Eucharistic Revival Night
The Well Second Annual Euchre Tournament
OLQA Online Offertory
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OLQA Shirt Order Form
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Extraordinary Ministers
Altar Servers
Offertory Family
Faith Formation
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Ages 3-9
Faith Formation: 4th - 6th grade
Sacred Music
Knights of Columbus
Secular Franciscan Third Order
Military Ministry
Men's Ministry
Ross County Right to Life Commitee
Divine Mercy Ministry
Outreach Groups
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Christmas Gift Giving Project
Miryante Orphanage
Handmade Card Club
Sisterhood of the Frogged Stitches
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Bishop Flaget School
Parish Council
St. Margaret Cemetery
Photo Albums
Newcomers /OCIA
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Becoming Catholic
Returning Catholics
Catholicism 101 - OCIA
Adult Faith Building
The Rescue Project
Holy Family Library
Adult - Spiritual Resources
Family - Spiritual Resources
Marriage Enrichment
Safe Environment
The Catholic Foundation
Today's Readings
Human Life and Dignity
Humane Vitae Conference July 7, 2018
Ross County Right to Life Commitee
Respect Life
Prayer Resources
Saint of the Day
Catholic Radio
Confirmation Formation
Last Rites/ Anointing of the Sick
Funeral Planning
Youth Faith Formation
Jr High & The Well High School
High School Youth Events
Ohio March for Life - Youth Participant Release Form
Adult Release Form - Ohio March for Life
National Eucharistic Congress
Diocese of Columbus Safe Environment Manual
The Well HS Youth Ministry Parent Waiver
The Well Youth Group Sign-In
The Well HS Youth Ministry Parent Waiver
Our Lady, queen of the apostles
The Catholic Community in Ross & Pike Counties
OLQA Online Offertory
Mass Times
Contact Us
Michael Migyanko Memorial Donations
God With Us: Eucharistic Revival Night
The Well Second Annual Euchre Tournament
OLQA Online Offertory
OLQA Shirt Order Form
Ministry Schedule
Faith Formation
Sacred Music
Knights of Columbus
Secular Franciscan Third Order
Military Ministry
Men's Ministry
Ross County Right to Life Commitee
Divine Mercy Ministry
Outreach Groups
Parish Information
Contact Us
Mass Times
Stock Donation/ Cancel Online
Bishop Flaget School
Parish Council
St. Margaret Cemetery
Photo Albums
Newcomers /OCIA
Register / Registrarse
Becoming Catholic
Returning Catholics
Catholicism 101 - OCIA
Adult Faith Building
The Rescue Project
Holy Family Library
Adult - Spiritual Resources
Family - Spiritual Resources
Marriage Enrichment
Safe Environment
The Catholic Foundation
Today's Readings
Human Life and Dignity
Prayer Resources
Saint of the Day
Catholic Radio
Confirmation Formation
Last Rites/ Anointing of the Sick
Funeral Planning
Youth Faith Formation
Jr High & The Well High School
High School Youth Events
The Well HS Youth Ministry Parent Waiver
Jr High & The Well High School
High School Youth Events
Ohio March for Life - Youth Participant Release Form
Adult Release Form - Ohio March for Life
National Eucharistic Congress
Diocese of Columbus Safe Environment Manual
The Well HS Youth Ministry Parent Waiver
The Well Youth Group Sign-In
The Well HS Youth Ministry Parent Waiver
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Photo Permissions
During Vacation Bible School, we take pictures that appear on the church website, Facebook, and newsletter. These are put within these medias without names. Please indicate if this is acceptable or not.
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Archdiocese of Cincinnati
Permission, Release, and Authorization to Seek Medical Treatment
1. By checking this box, I give permission for my child to participate in the activity described in the
Activity Information
form and release from all liability and indemnify the Archbishop of Cincinnati, Archbishop of Cincinnati, both individually and as trustee for the Archdiocese, all parishes and schools within the Archdiocese, and their respective officers, agents, representatives, volunteers, and employees, the Bishop of Columbus individually and as trustee for the Diocese of Columbus, St. Peter parish, and all parishes/schools and their representatives from any and all liability, claims, judgments, cost and expenses, including attorney's fees, arising out of any injury or illness incurred by my child while participating in or traveling to or from the activity and further agree not to bring or prosecute or allow to be brought or prosecuted (including but not limited to prosecution through subrogation) in my name, or on behalf of my child, any claims, lawsuits, or actions against the the Archbishop, the Archdiocese, the Bishop, the Diocese, and their officers, agents, representatives, volunteers, and employees.
2. I further understand that my child's participation in this activity is purely voluntary and is a privilege and not a right, and that my child, and I, on behalf of my child, agree to my child's participation in the Activity in spite of the risks.
3. I agree to instruct my child to cooperate with the Archbishop or his agents in charge of the activity.
4. I appoint the Archbishop or his agents who are acting as leaders of the activity to seek medical treatment of my child in the event of any injury, illness, or medical emergency occurs during the activity or related travel. I understand that the agents of the Archbishop will make a reasonable attempt to contact me as soon as possible in the event of a medical emergency involving my child.
5. I agree that the Archbishop or his agents may use my child's portrait or photograph or video for promotional purchased, website and office functions and use social media and technology to communicate to my child regarding ministry related activities.
6. This acknowledgement and release is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the law of the State of Ohio and if any portion hereof is declared invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect. This acknowledgement and release shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Ohio, except for the choice of law provisions thereof.
I have carefully read and understand and accept the terms and conditions state herein and acknowledge that this Permission, Release and Authorization to Seek Medical Treatment shall be effective and binding upon me, my child, and my own and my child's personal representative or estate, assigns, heirs, and next of kin and that I have signed this agreement of my own free will.
By hitting agree, you accept the terms and conditions that have been stated above. A hard copy of this may be obtained from the parish office at St. Peter Church (285 W. Water Street).
I agree
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Signature of parent/guardian confirms agreement to liability release as well as permission for child(ren) to attend
Cost of VBS - $10 per child / $20 per family. Please pay at the parish office. If this would be a financial burden, then please contact the parish office.
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