Our Military Ministry team is made up of parishioners who have a love for our military and are dedicated to keeping them in our prayers while they are serving away from home.
The Military Ministry began in 2011. The ministry began with activities that included mailing "We Care" packages to family members of our parishioners who currently serve in our armed forces. The Ministry team also hosted a dinner to commemorate the 10th anniversary of 9/11; the entire parish was invited to attend to honor our military and our first responders--past and present. A collection was taken up at the dinner to finance a military display case that is mounted in the rear church. This display case proudly displays a U.S. Flag and the names of those members of our parish who are currently serving in the US military.
The U.S. Flag in the display (pictured below) was donated to the ministry and St. Peter's by Colonel Timothy J. Whalen, son-in-law of a parishioner and West Point graduate. The background on the flag is one he carried with him in the fall of 2007. The towns he carried the flag were located in Iraq (Husseniyah, Karbala, Mahmadiyah, Baghdad, Babel, Hillah {Mesopotamia}, Salman Pak, and Ma'din Cada). For a full history and story on this flag, see the letter from Col. Whalen on the display case located in the first floor hallway of the parish center.
The ministry currently participates in several activities. On Memorial Day, a priest from the parish celebrates Mass at St. Margaret's Cemetery. Following Mass, members of the ministry provide light refreshments for those who attend the Mass. Annually, the Veterans Appreciation Dinner is a tribute to our past and present soldiers. Displays honoring these men and women are presented for all to see. In December, in conjunction with the laying of the Wreaths in Arlington Cemetery, the ministry sponsors a prayer service and wreath laying ceremony at St. Margaret's Cemeter. Wreaths can be purchased for your soldier's grave or any soldier's grave at the cemetery. Christmas cards are sent to our military with a religious item. Other projects are performed as they arise.
Interested in joining the team or financially supporting this ministry? Current chair is Judy Harness at [email protected].
Christmas Care packages for our deployed sons/grandsons who will not be home for Christmas are being collected. See the flyer at the side for information
Wreaths Across America will be held each year at St. Margaret's Cemetery, as well as a Veteran's Day Dinner.
Contact Cecilia Althouse at 740-947-1339 to purchase wreaths.