Catholic Organizations
Bishop Flaget School - joint parochial school of St. Peter and St. Mary parishes
Diocese of Columbus
ranciscan University, Steubenville, Ohio
Knights of Columbus - Supreme Council link
United States Council of Catholic Bishops
Catholic News Sites
Catholic News Service - as seen from Rome
EWTN Catholic Television
St. Gabriel Catholic Radio - AM 820
Catholic News - this site's mission is to report fully, fairly and freely about the involvement of our Church in the world today.
World Wide News
Joan's Rome - find out what the Pope REALLY said on EWTN's Rome Reporter's blog.
Catechetical Websites - for learning about and defending the faith
Free Email Bible Study - take 10 minutes out of your day, two to choose from . . .by Jeff Cavins.
Free Bible App for your ipad, ipod and iphone
Catholic Answers
Catholic Apologetics
About Catholicism - comprehensive site regarding church teachings, beliefs, etc.
My Catholic Faith Delivered - Online Catholic Learning site
Word on Fire - Fr. Robert Barron's website - Covers a variety of subjects from Liturgy to Canon Law
New Advent - A Catholic web site that includes all the tenets of the Church and numerous articles on our faith by top apologists such as George Weigel, as well all the updates on Catholic news on a global scale.
Deep in History resources regarding Church History.
Catholic Men Resources
Catholic Men's Conference - Archived talks and presentations from past Columbus Catholic Men's Conferences
My House Columbus - A collaborative effort in the Diocese of Columbus to help protect families from and heal those who have been harmed by pornography
Breaking Free Blog - help for you and your children in breaking free from pornography
Crossing the Goal -
devoted to supporting and equipping men to stand up and live the life they were called to by their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Catholic Women Resources
Catholic Mom - website that celebrates faith, family, and fun from a Catholic perspective
Breaking Free Blog - how to help your children avoid pornography and stay pure
Women of Grace - promoting the dignity of woman
Women Made New - site with links to numerous sites and videos
Human Life & Dignity
Breaking Free - breaking free from human trafficking
Elizabeth's Hope - Pregnancy resource center
Bethesda Healing Ministry - for help with post abortion healing
Priests for Life - keep up to date on the fight to end abortion through Fr. Pavone's website
Project Rachel - There is hope after the loss of a child from abortion
Nursing Home Abuse Center - faith based support for our senior family members
Internet Safety and Dignity
Net Nanny - protects your family from internet pornography and other dangers
Natural Family Planning
Creighton Model Fertility Care - Information about this incredible method gynecological and fertility care.
Pope Paul VI Institute - comprehensive resource on the science and services provided by this institute.
Same Sex Attraction
Courage - Spiritual support for Catholic men and women with same-sex attractions who desire to live chaste lives in accordance with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.
Encourage - support for parents, siblings, children, family, and friends of those struggling with same-sex attraction.
Catholic Times Article on Gender - scoll down to page 7 of issue
Video: Desire of the Everlasting Hills (63m)
Video: Third Way (40m) - documentary focusing on the Church’s teachings regarding Homosexuality
Books on LBGT issues:
Made for Love: Same Sex Attraction and the Catholic Church by Fr. Michael Schmitz
Living the Truth by Janet Smith
Pope Francis' Document on Marriage and Sexuality:
Amoris Laetitia
For Youth and Young Adults
Militia of the Immaculata - Movement founded by St. Maximilian Kolbe
for Purity
Catholic Culture
Catholic Cuisine - find and share Recipes for Celebrating the Feasts and Seasons of the Liturgical Year
Catholic Culture - gives faithful Catholics the
information, encouragement, and perspective they need to become an active force for renewal in the Church and in society.