“I am the resurrection and the life”, Jesus says to us, giving us comfort and hope in time of sorrow. In Our Lord Jesus Christ, we have found one who has conquered death itself. The funeral liturgy of the church is the privileged place of encounter with the Lord. The Mass is offered on behalf of our loved one, and we are filled with strength and hope for we know that the Lord’s love is total.
See the left for the downloadable
Funeral Packet. This packet is provided to you to help plan the funeral liturgy of your loved one. Some families find it helpful to pick out the readings and songs that will be used for the liturgy; others may choose to just have the priest or minister choose those readings. Families are invited to fill out as much or as little as they choose. The book
Through Death to Life is available at the church office, or the funeral director, and is helpful to complete the packet.
Once you have completed the packet, or if you would like the assistance of someone at the parish in planning the liturgy, please call the office at 740-774-1407 and either one of the priests or a staff member will meet with you to finalize your selections. Please do not hesitate to call use for any questions or concerns during this time.
The parish Bereavement committee is available to provide a luncheon following the funeral for your family and friends. If you would like this service, please let the priest or staff member know. The committee functions on donations of food from parishioners as well as financial donations for the purchase of the main course and paper products. Any donation from the family toward the committee is greatly appreciated.
Together as the church, the body of Christ, we shall gather to worship the Lord in our time of sorrow and express our hope in the promise of the Lord.