The results of the Real Presence, Real Future planning initiative are now available! Please visit the official diocesan website: Real Presence, Real Future - Catholic Diocese of Columbus ( Information regarding the Chillicothe-Waverly consortium can be found on page 90.
Join us for the Rescue Project with Fr. John Riccardo. For 8 weeks we will explore some of life's most important questions: Why is there something instead of nothing? Why is everything so obviously messed up? What, if anything, has God done about it? How should I respond? Sessions will include a meal, video, and small group discussion. All are welcome! We simply ask that you RSVP so we have a head count for meals.
Wednesday, June 8th 8:30am-7pm our high school youth group will be going kayaking! The cost is $25 a person. Complete the 2 waivers (1 Youth Group Waiver + 1 Kayaking Waiver) and drop off money at the office or give money directly to Andrea McLean at youth group on June 5th. Checks can be made payable to St. Peter's, write kayaking trip on memo line!
Bishop Brennan has let us know that we can share with you the good news that Fr. Timothy Hayes has been appointed pastor of the new three-parish cluster of St. Peter and St. Mary parishes here in Chillicothe, and St. Mary parish in Waverly. Fr. Hayes presently serves as pastor of St. Timothy parish in Columbus. Also, Fr. Cyrus Haddad has been named pastor of St. Colman of Cloyne parish in Washington Court House. Fr. Haddad presently serves as one of two parochial vicars at St. Joseph Cathedral, and as chaplain to the Extraordinary Form Mass Community at Holy Family parish in downtown Columbus. As you know from previous announcements these changes are the result of my being appointed by Bishop Brennan to serve as the new Director of Vocations for the Diocese, and Fr. Hummer retiring this summer. Fr. Hayes and Fr. Haddad will likely begin their new assignments during the regular rotation time in July but that does have the potential to change given some of the unknowns with regards to the coronavirus situation; I will keep you posted if there is a change in regards to the starting date. I have known both Fr. Hayes and Fr. Haddad for some time now and I’m sure that you will be happy to have Fr. Hayes serving here in the consortium as I am sure St. Colman will be happy to have Fr. Haddad, so please join me in welcoming them! Other decisions regarding if one or both of our current parochial vicars will remain on to assist Fr. Hayes are still being decided by the Bishop. We hope to hear on that topic in the near future!
Click here to read the current letter from the Ohio Bishops regarding public Masses. Let us continue to pray for one another during these times, and let us pray a prayer composed by Saint Francis de Sales, the patron saint of our Columbus Diocese: Do not look forward in fear to the changes and chances of this life; Rather, look to them with full confidence that, as they arise, God, to whom you belong will in His love enable you to profit by them. He has guided you thus far in life, and He will lead you safely through all trials; and when you cannot stand it, God will bury you in His arms. Do not fear what may happen tomorrow; the same everlasting Father who cares for you today will take care of you then and every day. He will either shield you from suffering, or will give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace, then, and put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations. Amen. Fraternally, Bishop Brennan
The Vatican, realizing that throughout the world (including every diocese in America), the Holy Mass is not being celebrated publicly and confession is not available to so many people, published a reminder about Confession in particular.
Check out the COVID-19 tab on the top right. Check back often for additions for information and suggestions for you and our family in regards to spiritual direction as well as health and safety during this time. Above all things, trust in our Lord and PUSH (Pray Until Something Happens) through this.
The Bishops of Ohio have announced that all Masses and Liturgies are cancelled, including confession. The churches are to remain locked during this time to prevent gatherings.
Please read the statement from the Ohio Bishops below. Here at St. Peter's PSR and RCIA will be cancelled until the beginning of April. The Pancake Breakfast scheduled for this weekend is cancelled as well. The Knights of Columbus Banquet for March 22 is postponed. The Parish Office will not be open on Sundays during this time as well. The Fish Fry at St. Mary's will be carry out/drive by only today. Stations of the Cross at St. Peter will still occur this evening. Please pray for those affected by this virus, health care workers and our state and federal leadership as we work through this situation. Be sure to check on your elderly and compromised neighbors.
Knights of Columbus Council 15793 is in its 5th year of sponsoring this food collection for the St. Vincent de Paul food pantry. Click here for details
Make your reservations now!!! Click here for more information. Proceeds benefit scholarships to Catholic Youth Summer Camp and the St. Vincent de Paul food pantry.
If your teen is registered to go to Damascus this summer and you are in need of financial assistance, please click here and fill out the request form. For additional information, contact Judy Harness.
Donations are currently being accepted for altar flowers during ordinary time. Flowers can be donated in honor or memory of a person or event. Contact Jenny at 774-1407 for more information.