The beliefs of the Catholic Church and her beautiful teachings are consistent through the ages. Becoming Catholic today means joining an ancient faith, deeply rooted in the teachings and traditions of Christ, that is filled with hope and vibrancy as we continue to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to all the ends of the earth
If you are interested in becoming Catholic we offer what is called OCIA:
The formation of adults and process by which they are initiated into the Church is known as the “Order of Christian Initiation of Adults,”
- Unbaptized… persons 18 years or older who follow a process to help them grow in awareness to God’s call to conversion as well as ways to respond to that call. They are considered catechumens.
- Baptized in Another Christian Church… those catechized and uncatechized persons from a faith tradition other than Catholic who are seeking full communion with the Roman Catholic Church (Eucharist and Confirmation/Full reception into the Church by Profession of Faith). They are considered candidates.
- Baptized but uncatechized Catholic Adults… persons who were baptized as infants in the Catholic Church yet not given any religious upbringing within the Catholic Tradition. These adults will be prepared to celebrate the sacraments of penance, confirmation and eucharist. They are also considered candidates.
For more information about OCIA click this link or contact the OCIA Coordinator
Cecilia Davis: [email protected].
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